In many Western countries, but especially the United States of America, the “prom“, “promenade”, or “ball graduation” “formal” is a rite of passage for many young glamorous and important. Traditionally held at the end of last year in high school before university or college, the prom is a ball dance party where students enjoy their last night with friends from school before the end of their high school education. The prom is organized by the school and, sometimes, in whole or in part from one configuration group of students with the responsibility of organizing the prom more memorable and enjoyable for their classmates. It is held in the school gymnasium or hall, or in a place outside rented school premises. The dance is a normal characteristic of culture and storytelling classic and modern, especially teen- drama and comedy films like “It ‘s All That” and “American Pie.” Each student attending the prom is scheduled for a date and in most Proms in the United States the most famous pair of (as voted or judged) date are hailed as the “prom king and queen.” To become the prom queen is highly desirable for many young ladies and the most popular students at the school are more likely to be crowned as the king or queen of the ball. As such, anyone labeled a king or queen of the ball can be taken as an extrovert and sociable active output and excelling in clubs, societies and sports.
Male student wearing a traditional dress or black tuxedo dinner, sometimes white, with vest generally bright, ties and bow ties of what we saw on the occasion of official events gala. And the boy sometimes give the girl a pin floral crown for her dress and she can give in exchange for his date corsage, which is usually worn on the wrist of the girl.
One important thing for the girl, just as important as having a good date, is to have a beautiful prom dress, making the girl look and feel amazing. The amount spent on a prom dance typically range from 100 to 500 dollars, but can be more or less, if you can find bargain! It is not necessary to visit a tailor suit to gain size, it is perfectly possible to measure itself with a tape and send the measurements out to an online retailer that carry prom dress to the correct size.